Live Oak Choir

Live Oak Choir
  • Public Group
  • Live Oak UU Congregation
  • Live Oak Singers meet Saturdays at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. Kevin Fox, Live Oak's Music Director, rehearses the choir, and we welcome new members with open arms. And, yes, you can sing. Don't let anyone say otherwise. Join us as we make a "joyful noise" and beautiful music together. The first art, singing, is not only fun but stress-relieving and good for mental health, science tells us. Some even go further to say it helps decrease snoring. Want to test it? Come sing with us.
    Mission: Our Music Director and choir coordinate with the Worship Ministry to plan and perform music that enriches Live Oak services, deepens our spiritual practices, and awakens our hearts. The choir offers an opportunity for Live Oak members to be in community with other singers, thereby strengthening interpersonal connections within the congregation.

      Kevin Fox, Music Director

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