Earth Centered Spirituality

The Earth, The Water, The Fire, The Air, Return, Return, Return, Return!
At Live Oak, reverence for the natural world and recognition of seasonal changes are woven into the fabric of nearly every Sunday service through music, words, or ritual, and sometimes provide the focus for our services as well. This is in keeping with the Unitarian Universalist source of “Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.” Our shared principles encourage direct experience of mystery and wonder as we honor the interconnected web of all existence and the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
Blessed Be!
Group coordinator:
Jeanne Northsinger
Live Oak’s Earth-Centered Group was created to nurture and share Earth-centered spiritual perspectives, foster knowledge of Pagan practices, create rituals for growth and healing, and be a place for kindred spirits to connect, learn from each other, and have fun. We have circles on relevant topics and celebrate Pagan seasonal holidays based on the interest of members. Most rituals and circles are open to everyone, with sites selected to fit the accessibility needs of interested participants.