
At Live Oak we believe in a strong spirit of community. We welcome you to join one of the groups below to work and interact with fellow congregants with the the same interests.

Board of Trustees
  • Private Group
  • Governance
  • Board Meetings are open to Live Oak UU Congregation members and friends. The Board currently meets on the first and third Monday of the month. Have a concern or appreciation to share - or an agenda item? Contact Hal Hill, current Board President. Our Governing Board of Trustees is currently comprised of six members:
    1. Marie Arnold, Vice President
    2. Aileen Chambers
    3. Susan Jackson
    4. Paul Mocker, Treasurer
    5. Lars Poulsen
    6. Debra Rodgers
    7. Kendra Wise, President
    The Board typically meets on the third Monday in the Cottage and on Zoom. Click HERE for the recurring link. Meeting ID: 831 4611 9337 Passcode: 630103.  
Book Club
  • Public Group
  • Small Group Ministry, Social
  • The Live Oak Book Group meets in the Cottage at 7pm on the 4th Thursday of the month. About a dozen of us engage in discussion about a book chosen the previous month by a member of the group who agrees to facilitate the meeting. Contact Diane Green for more information:
Children's Religious Exploration
  • Private Group
  • Youth
  • Live Oak's RE Program aims to...
    • ... provide a place where children and their families feel a sense of safety and trust in their exploration of faith, ethics, spirituality and community
    • ... bring the Unitarian Universalist principles and the wisdom and teachings of the world’s great religious traditions to the child’s developmental level
    • ... cultivate authentic relationships that facilitate growth, meaning, and creativity
    Please click this link to see our Religious Exploration page.
  • Public Group
  • Social
  • Live Oak is hosting two musical events this summer featuring the Syncopaths, on June 16th in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm, and Jim Scott, a UU minstrel of note who wrote the hymn, "Gather the Spirit," for our Sunday Worship Service, August 13th in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am. Don't miss! Click on the Syncopaths sound file below their photo for the title song on their latest album.  
Coordinating Team
  • Private Group
  • Governance
  • The C Team coordinates operations in concert with the Board of Trustees' vision and policies. Our aim is to support Live Oak ministries and teams and to hold a Council of Chairs meeting 2-3 times per year, open to all. We also work closely with staff and volunteers who oversee campus facilities and event rentals. The C Team's main purpose is to facilitate clearer communication between ministries so that we can streamline and improve Live Oak's operational practices. We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Contact us for issues related to campus facilities, your ministry work, items you'd like to donate to improve our operations:    
Covenant Group
  • Public Group
  • Covenant Groups, Ministry, Small Group Ministry, Social
  • Covenant Groups represent another small-group ministry in our congregational life at Live Oak UU Congregation. The aim of Covenant Groups is to serve our community's need for small-group ministry that facilitates meaningful connections between Live Oak UUC members and friends, enabling opportunity for ongoing spiritual growth, deeper self-knowledge, and broader awareness of how others pursue questions of faith and doubt. We have four thriving Covenant Groups, who use the UUA's curriculum, Soul Matters, centered on a theme each month. Some groups meet on Zoom, and others meet in person. If you are interested in joining a Covenant Group,  contact our administrator: (805) 967-7867 Links:   
Earth Centered Spirituality
  • Public Group
  • Ministry, Social
  • Live Oak’s Earth-Centered Group was created to nurture and share Earth-centered spiritual perspectives, foster knowledge of Pagan practices, create rituals for growth and healing, and be a place for kindred spirits to connect, learn from each other, and have fun
  • Private Group
  • Ministry
  • The Facilities Team is dedicated to keeping Live Oak UUC safe, functional, and inviting while offering members opportunities to build community. Teams members focus on buildings and grounds' upkeep - from tree trimming and gardening to monitoring utilities, and facilitating audio-visual and technology upgrades and maintenance.    
Game Night
  • Public Group
  • Social
  • Usually a Friday evening potluck game event in Fellowship Hall. Look for announcements in the Acorn.
Good Relations Ministry
  • Private Group
  • Ministry
  • Members: David Echols, Elizabeth Nevers, Jeanne Northsinger, Hana Princip Board Liaison: Kendra Wise Guiding Document: Covenant of Good Relations